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Hey there everyone! The series continues , here is part 2 of Information Gathering , if you have not read the Part-1 , see to it! This article will describe Nmap also called NetMapper , and it's use! In my opinion, Nmap is must-use tool for all Pen-testers/Hackers! It's over 20 years old tool! It have so many awesome utilities! FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS JUST FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE,  I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR READER's ACTIONS AFTER READING THIS!        Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
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Hey There! I just thought about starting a Web Security Testing Series! So , here it is! I just started the Series with Information Gathering, so it's a part of Information Gathering that is- "Web Server Fingerprinting" If you are beginner , it could be good start, because the information gathering is one of most initial stages of Web Security Testing (aka Hacking). Objective of Information gathering is to get more and more info about victim, so we can select the perfect attack or exploit , that could easily Find a vulnerability and get your way into system! I'll perform fingerprinting using Netcat Tool, that is pre-installed in Kali Linux, but it's bright side is that you could use it on WINDOWS, It's compiled to Windows Executable File by a non-official authority, so go and get it here ! And If it's not installed on your Linux System, run following command in Terminal! sudo apt-get install netcat Netcat is called Swiss Army Knife of Hack

SHODAN - Internet of Things

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Whenever it comes to Penetration and Security Testing , KALI LINUX is considered one of best ever penetration testing Operating System. As It have hundreds of security testing tools. However there are some disadvantages of Kali. Like, you can use STEAM OS as your Linux Preference, You may use Ubuntu as beginner, but they don't have those all tools that are present in Kali. So here I want to introduce a tool that can install all Kali Linux tools in your Linux OS (obviously, other then kali) . It's KATOOLIN  , It's a Python-Based Tool , available on GITHUB, CLICK HERE. OR Directly Clone it into your system from terminal by copying following line: git clone So now you have Katoolin installed. Next step is to make it executable. Do it by copying following command to your Terminal chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin usr/bin/katoolin is location where katoolin script is saved. Next, run katoolin by simply typing katoolin in T


Hey Welcome Back, Guys!! My exams are going on so I'm irregular nowadays , I got some time to write the followings. Google Dorks one of most easy, fun and powerful hacking techniques, online. On Internet, Websites are not only to be hacked, Websites are just part of Internet. There are many other products like Refrigerator, CCTV Cameras, Automated Doors, Televisions, Power Plants, etc. that are connected to Internet, and some of them could be accessed through google. So, right now we will be discussing about CCTV Cameras. Following are some Google Keyword Searches that you can simply type in into Google Search Box and find your CCTV live! * inurl:”CgiStart?page=” * inurl:/view.shtml * intitle:”Live View / – AXIS * inurl:view/view.shtml * inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode= * inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh * inurl:axis-cgi/jpg * inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG) (disconnected) * inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml * inurl:view/index.shtml * inurl:view/view.shtml * liveapplet
