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Hey guys!
Most of you might be aware with a famous password stealing technique- PHISHING , but if you don't know, I'm givin' a short intro  about Phishing.

Phishing is using names of famous organizations (obviously illegally) and stealing credentials (passwords, OTP , etc.) of a member related to that organization.
Yet, confused ? (If not, get to next paragraph).. It could be a fake call from goon that names himself as manager, or any official from that company but most commonly It will be a fake page of certified famous organizations, like Facebook, Twitter , Instagram.
How to identify a Phishing page, well it appears to be so similar to that of real  page. Just the difference is in URL and the target URL of links.You can see in following image . It's phishing page of facebook. Observe it carefully, it's exactly similar to login page of facebook , but URL is different. So it's Phishing page!

So, Right now I'm only telling about those fake pages as you can get prizes like USB Drive and iPad by reporting them.

Suppose , you see a fake login page of facebook and someone asks you to login, most probably , you'll ignore.
But better why don't report it and get prizes.

You can report it at , you don't need to sign-up.

Just visit
It'll look like following , asking to download netcraft extension.

It's useful too, as it will protect you from  Phishing Page, it will block phishing page in your browser.
There are too many other features in the website.
Like you can see List of TLDs with high number of Phishing Pages.
You can see list of countries, most vulnerable to a Phish attack.

But right now, we are reporting a URL.
Just , see on left .
Click on that Report  a Phish. 
 It will open page like this.

Fill in your Name , Your E-mail address and the URL of Phishing Page you found!
After that , there is big text-area asking reason for reporting.
Just type "Phishing page of website_of_which_phish_is"  .

Submit it!
They'll check it and validate if it's Phishing page . They take about 30 mins to do it.

Now it comes about incentives/ prizes.
How to get them?
You can see that by going to Incentives section (link on left of page)

They provide a USB Flash Drive after you report 100 Phishing URLs.
A netcraft branded mug after 250 Phishing URLs, Polo T-Shirt after 500, Targus laptop bag after 1,000 and an iPad after reporting 5,000 Phishing URLs.
Well, some of you might find it difficult to find that large number of Phish URLs, don't worry. Soon, I'll post about finding Phishing Pages easily. You can find upto 50 Phish URLs every 6 hours.
Stay tuned , I'll write very soon.

So go on, Find Phishes and earn prizes!
If you have any idea , what should I write about in my blog, please share in comments!

And Finally.



We will be back soon with more articles 

Till then...

Follow me on Instagram 

There you will find some awesome programming memes!


  1. nice post....


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