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Showing posts from January, 2018


  Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on the Debian architecture. It is usually run on personal computers, and is also popular on network servers, usually running the Ubuntu Server variant, with enterprise-class features. Ubuntu runs on the most popular architectures, including Intel, AMD, and ARM-based machines.  Ubuntu is perfect OS for begginer Linux Users , as it have a cool Graphical Interface, and runs almost everything that Linux is well-known for. So, My friends were asking about installing Linux, I recommended them with Ubuntu, and decided to write this down. I'm coming direct to the point. 1-  Download a Ubuntu .ISO CD image file, from , or Download it from BitTorrent Client by clicking here , as it's 1GB large file.  As we want ubuntu for PC, so it is important that you download the Desktop version. If you download the Server version it will not install any graphical desktop and you will have to add that manually. Now, we have


  PROGRAMMING . The word seems to be very cool as you can create WEB APPLICATIONS , SOFTWARES , etc. at your own, You're not dependent on others. Yeah ! Being Programmer is cool but it's Critical and Difficult as well. Here , I got some tips for you to learn Programming more efficiently and faster. 1.  Learn by doing. Always play with the code while learning With every new subject, the sooner you start playing with the code, the faster you will learn the given concepts. Even if you blaze through an entire chapter of reading and a topic like for loops seems straightforward – so straightforward even a monkey could do it – you’ll still be scratching your head when tasked to implement the code for the first time. You’ll think, “wait, what was that one piece of syntax again?” As the saying goes, you need to “use it or lose it”, because despite the evolution of technology, this ole’ proverb holds true when learning to code. Hint: Build a project as yo


  IN WHICH LANGUAGES MOST OF POPULAR WEBSITES ARE WRITTEN! Websites are now became very important part of our lives. We get a lot of information on website. And most of us want to make a website in our life, Either for making money, getting famous or just for fun , there are two ways to do so, Either use templates or learn Web Languages and make your own design and complete website with hosting. We want to make our websites famous like that of Google , Facebook , Wikipedia , etc. Did you ever tried to think, which languages , they would have used to make up such large, famous, Dynamic website which can hold traffic of millions of people at a time. Well , we have made a lists of popular website and languages which they have used to create such Billion-Dollar websites.   1-Google - Google is most popular website on earth , due to it's use , We want some information, okay... Google it! Google is most used Search Engine in world! They have used Javascr
