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PROGRAMMING . The word seems to be very cool as you can create WEB APPLICATIONS , SOFTWARES , etc. at your own, You're not dependent on others.
Yeah ! Being Programmer is cool but it's Critical and Difficult as well.
Here , I got some tips for you to learn Programming more efficiently and faster.

1.  Learn by doing. Always play with the code while learning

Learn Programming faster
With every new subject, the sooner you start playing with the code, the faster you will learn the given concepts. Even if you blaze through an entire chapter of reading and a topic like for loops seems straightforward – so straightforward even a monkey could do it – you’ll still be scratching your head when tasked to implement the code for the first time. You’ll think, “wait, what was that one piece of syntax again?” As the saying goes, you need to “use it or lose it”, because despite the evolution of technology, this ole’ proverb holds true when learning to code.
Hint: Build a project as you go through the material. A personal project is often the best starting point.

2. Grasp the fundamentals for long-term benefits

Learn programming faster 1
As elementary as they may appear at first, programming fundamentals always need to come first: the better you understand them, the easier it is to learn more advanced concepts. Students who rush through the beginning of our courses – where we focus most on web development fundamentals – are often the first to get stuck as we transition into more advanced material, such as back-end programming. So before you ditch the first class of computer science 101, or skip chapter one of an online tutorial, keep in mind that you are overlooking the most important step in your learning.

3. Code by hand. It sharpens proficiency and you’ll need it to get a job

Computer monitors become thinner, hard drives lighter, and programming languages more powerful, but coding-by-hand still remains one of the most effective methods to learn how to program. Be it on a whiteboard or notebook, coding-by-hand requires further caution, precision, and intent behind every line of code. Because unlike on a computer, you can’t run hand-written code midway through the sheet to check if the work is correct. Although more time consuming, this restriction will mold you into a more fundamentally sound developer, both in the classroom and the job market.

4. Ask for help. You’ll need it

Image result for help from stackoverflow


 As awesome as it would be to become the next Steve Jobs on your own, the 

If you  think that you will learn programming without any help, just by reading and practicing. That's where you're wrong  kiddo...

You will need help, and you might know where you can easily get it, Yeah, StackOverFlow but this is not only place for help, you can ask to your mentors and fellow programmers, don't be shy boy, if you won't ask for help, now then you will be embarrassed when someone will ask you programming related question and you can't answer them,So , make sure to take help.  


5. Take breaks when debugging

Image result for debugging

Yeah! Debugging, nightmare of every programmer... Eliminating the bug is not big deal but finding the bug is... It takes time.

 So make sure to take a break between writing code and debugging

When debugging, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole for hours, and there’s no guarantee that you will fix the problem. To avoid this, it’s best to step away from the bug for a few hours, and return with a fresh perspective. Not only is this a guaranteed way to help solve the problem, but you’ll also save yourself hours of headache. So if help isn’t available – to touch on our previous tip about seeking advice – consider taking a break to clear your mind and return later. 



 We will be back soon with more articles 

 Till then...

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 There you will find some awesome programming memes!



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